Board Meeting
I’ve been lucky to be involved in testing a new skimboard dedicated solely to kitesurfing. Let me start by saying that testing ain’t easy. Firstly, I’m not a shaper, so if I don’t like the feel of something, I don’t know what will fix it. Secondly, it’s hard to choose the perfect shape! One rides better upwind, but the other does shovits better and has more pop. So what’s better? Argggh. It’s cool to be involved in the process. I’m learning a lot about board shaping and how important it is to shape the prototype as close to the specs as possible of the final molded production board. At any rate, we are making progress and we already have features like a grab rail and possible twin-fin inserts that will make this one of a kind. What’s nice is that this shape won’t be some hybrid between a skimboard and a mutant or twin tip. It’s a classic skim shape that will be tuned to provide maximum light wind performance, pop, handling, and ease of use in the grabs and aerials.
In other news, we put a kicker out the other day and Kevin Steen was hitting it on a skimboard – impressive. This is just another aspect of strapless riding that I didn’t even think to pursue. Thanks Kevin for opening up another door into the strapless realm. I’m still working up the cojones to hit the thing, seeing how it sits on an old Hobie cat hull, you will pay if you screw up on this one…
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